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Amazon Appeal Service

First You Need To Understand the Top Reasons for Account Suspension

  • Policy Violations: Selling on Amazon comes with a set of rules and policies, and violating any of them can lead to account suspension. This could include selling counterfeit products, engaging in unethical practices, or failing to meet Amazon’s standards for customer service.
  • Performance Metrics: Amazon closely monitors seller performance metrics such as order defect rate, late shipment rate, and customer feedback. Falling below the acceptable thresholds for these metrics can trigger account suspension.
  • Intellectual Property Infringement: Selling products that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, such as trademark or copyright violations, can result in account suspension due to legal issues.
  • Inauthentic Products: Selling products that are not genuine or do not match the product description can lead to customer complaints and account suspension.
  • Suspicious Activity: Unusual account activity, such as sudden spikes in sales volume or multiple accounts operated by the same seller, can raise red flags and result in account suspension.

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